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The Living Oracle -  The Space Where Hidden Knowledge comes to Light

In this space, I share information uncovered from the Akashic Records and from profound QHHT & BQH sessions - Quantum Healing Hypnosis. My main goal is to help us heal, find ourselves and live purposely. Read this information carefully, and practice the guidance you receive. Then you will find your truest you. This is how we change the world, one soul at a time. There is no rush, and you are right on time. 

If you'd like to work with me on a 1:1 basis to get to the core of you, please visit my offerings page

During one my recent QHHT sessions, the Higher Self brought this topic to my attention. Intrigued, I later accessed the Akashic Records to expand on this topic and understand it at a deeper level.

I will be sharing the whole story, how it all happened and how to get out - however even if you don't fully grasp or resonate with the multi-dimensional behind-the-scenes background, the steps are simple and very powerful.

I started writing on this topic here, and today we are diving in greater detail.

More often than not, we tend to experience the same situation over and over. Sometimes it may not "look" like the same situation, sometimes it is a pattern, a cycle, that keeps on coming back.

At a collective level, some examples are the topics the media pushes people to talk about, then it goes silent, then it comes back and people start debating again, then nobody remembers anymore, only to come back a few months later (examples are issues with guns/shootings, issues around mortgage rates, predictions that a great crisis is about to start, talks about layoffs, then all tech companies are hiring again, only to layoff thousands of people again, etc. And the same will go with presidential debates, if you were to watch old debates from past elections, you'll see this clearly as they keep on debating the same topics).

In your personal life, you may be stuck in a job or career you don't enjoy, you may be going around friendships that go through cycles, relationships where issues come and go, or if you have been dating, perhaps the same type of person keeps on being in your life (a very clear example would be you keep on dating people with alcohol issues, or people with no jobs, etc.).

Other cycles may present in all aspects of your life: with your children, with neighbors, with projects you start, going back to the same vacation spot year after year - and there's one underlying feeling: you keep on hoping for a different outcome... but you keep repeating the same situation.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” attributed to Albert Einstein.

As a smart individual who has been working on bettering yourself, you may ask: why do you keep on getting stuck, then?

The multidimensional background

(you may skip this part if any talk of E.T. races and multidimensional history is not your cup of tea. Scroll down to how to get unstuck).

The Universe is infinite, and there are infinite civilizations and races. Many have been interacting with Earth for eons.

Some with good intentions, some without.

And to better understand this, it is important to highlight that all timelines and dimensions are parallel, even though specifically here on Earth, time is linear and we operate on the basis of past, present and future.

Some of these civilizations have lost themselves, their connection with the One Infinite Creator, some have lost their planets and trauma from those events are still very much reverberating.

One particular event was a war in Orion. In many of my sessions, memories of this time has been recalled in great detail, from many different individuals that don't know each other and hadn't even read anything on the topic.

Now, the collectives that were a part of that are still going around, and instead of weapons of mass destruction... they now mess around with timelines. They go back in time to mess some event, then back ahead, then they correct something else. The biggest issue is that they have placed Orion in a loop, and as a result Earth is mirroring that loop, not only at a collective level, but at the individual level, most of humanity is trapped in endless timeline loops.

The good news is: with awareness and a simple yet powerful method, you can get yourself untangled.

How to get unstuck in life (from endless timeline loops, cycles/patterns)

The first thing to recognize is that you may be stuck not only in one collective loop, but at your individual level, it is likely that you are stuck in several timeline loops.

The second important idea is to understand that you mustn't fight a loop. They will continue to loop... ad infinitum... what you want is to "jump" to a higher timeline when the issues reflected in the loop are not an issue at all.

The third concept is understanding that a loop is held by anchors. Energetically, something is anchoring to a loop.

For example, a timeline loop where you can't have a steady income (abundance) remains stuck with money as an anchor. The concept of there's only limited amount of money, not enough for all, and not accessible for you. Understanding how to truly manifest abundance will get you out of this loop (the short answer: follow your highest joy, listen to your higher self, learn to listen to your intuition and inspiration and act on them).

Another example: your family dynamics - lots of endless conflict, patterns you can't break, people in your family that trigger the heck out of you and keep you stuck. An anchor to that dynamic might be guilt. Guilt can be ingrained very deeply, and most likely it is generational. You can break guilt by taking a few minutes in meditation to remember times where you have experienced guilt, bring in the Light of Source to those emotions and memories, and very intentionally release them. The next time your family members guilt-trip you, catch yourself, and don't fall for it. React with full confidence, integrated with your higher self. As they see your reaction, they will react differently, breaking the cycle.

As you take yourself through the exercise of finding the anchors and releasing them, the next step is crucial to understand: as you remove yourself- with grace and self-compassion- from an endless cycle, you'll start choosing a higher timeline that doesn't operate as a loop. And the way to know you are operating from that timeline is by the awareness, full knowing, that those issues are resolved. A bit of a mind trick at first as you get used to, but the key here is to really open up the dialogue with your higher mind.

If you can't get into this space with meditation alone, call in an ascended master's help, or your angels, archangels or higher self. They are always with you, ready to help only when you ask them to. I personally work with Mother Mary - and it has become second nature to run this exercise. Even throughout the day, I ask her to show me something that is keeping me stuck. I close my eyes, and memories start pouring in. I identify the anchor (it can be guilt, shame, jealousy, societal expectations, trying to impress somebody, low self-esteem, etc.). I then call in the Light of Source to help me release it... and I move on with my day. You don't need to do this all at once, a little at a time is perfectly fine.

You may call this shadow work... or just clearing beliefs that keep you stuck.

A deeper anchor: entities, attachment, darker energies and more

In same cases, there's a deeper anchor in place, rooted in entities that keep you stuck. This is a bigger subject that deserves its own write up - and will come in next (I'll link it once available so you can follow your little rabbit hole here).


As a QHHT practitioner, I can tell you one of the main questions I hear is how can I "hear" my higher self? How can I access this higher guidance, this part of me that -allegedly!- has all the answers and understands how everything works?

While under hypnosis, it is very easy to get to a space where pure dialogue with your higher self flows easily. But on our daily life, it is hard to discern what is our inner chatter and what is the higher self.

Let me break it down for you, and give you concrete tips to get to that easy, flowing connection to your higher mind, your super conscious, your subconscious mind, or your soul - it doesn't matter how you call it, really!

Your being, in this present time, in this life, operates this way: Your Body has its own consciousness, and your soul has its own consciousness.

The Body's Consciousness

Your body is an intricate, complicated and perfect "machine" that allows you to experience life on Earth in this moment in time.

This body of you is quite intelligent, and has its own consciousness.

The body holds all the memories, everything you learn throughout your life, everything you experience, any traumas, social pressure, social expectations, belief systems, and even simply things as remembering how to walk, talk, eat, etc.

The body holds your personality (however you shape it through the years, through experiences), your mind, your heart, your emotions, and "talks" to you via physical sensations, discomfort, and even illnesses. More on how to heal your body here.

The Soul's Consciousness

Your soul has then its own consciousness. And it is the truest part of you, who you truly are are your core.

Your soul came into this life with dreams, aspirations, and a number of experiences that you want to go through.

In order to experience life on Earth, you took on this body - which is perfect for what you set yourself to do.

But often times the challenge is to get the body's consciousness to cooperate with the soul's consciousness...

Integrating the body and soul's consciousnesses

Your soul (or your higher self for that matter) "talks" to the body's consciousness via inspiration and intuition.

The body relies on physical senses, knowledge, experience, collective ideas and beliefs, and holds on to all the emotions you go through as you live through trauma... relationships... or you learn something new... or your listen to the news... or you listen to your parents... or you follow a guru or teacher.... or what you think you "should" do, and what is "expected" for you to do. Not to mention memories from past lives...!

The body's mind thinks that the intuition is just a dream or a fantasy. That inspiration is cute but not reliable or can possibly pay the bills.

The soul's consciousness is really set what you came here to do. And keeps on planting dreams and inspiration in your mind, in hopes you will respond.

And here's the breakthrough:

As you listen to your intuition and follow your inspiration... then you give space for serendipity to do its job... and then an opportunity presents itself, you suddenly meet a really cool person, or your whole life changes due to some very unexpected surprise (or you can call it a miracle, same thing).

But how can you distinguish the inner voice and know if your ideas are just your conscious mind or your higher self's inspiration?

This is a feeling, you can feel it in your heart. We are talking about something so fun and so interesting to you that it truly intrigues you.

And how can you let go of the conscious mind that tells you things aren't feasible, that you don't have the money for it, or that whatever cool dream you have won't pay the bills or the relationship you dream of if simply not available for you? (another rabbit hole here...! we'll get to it soon).

This is something you can slowly ease into.

You may follow your inspiration once, just to try, just to see how this all works. Try with something small, and see how it goes. How your miracles unfold. And then maybe another day you'll trust your inner voice a little better.... and a little better.

A fun tool for you to experiment communicating with your inner guidance

A pendulum can be a really easy tool to start testing your connection. A great way of learning how to use it is to take Suzanne Spooner's TAULK class. I really enjoyed it myself and I highly recommend it.

Another similar way of using a pendulum would be to use a piece of paper (maybe go for A4 size to allow movement of the pendulum) and whenever you have a question, you wonder about a couple of options, roads to take, write down the potential responses, one on each corner of the piece of paper (or 3 or more), position the pendulum in the center of the page and have see where it moves, to show you the answer.

Hopefully this image illustrates my rudimentary - yet so fun- idea:

And here's a fun metaphor my guides shared to help me understand this concept of body and soul's consciousness and how it all works out:

Imagine you have this big idea that you would like riding horses. So you take yourself to a horse sanctuary, where there are tons of horses that are in rehabilitation, after going through trauma, abuse, and all kinds of really tough experiences. We are talking about horses with anxiety, that aren't used to be led, and won't trust humans.

So you look around, and there's this beautiful, shiny, strong, wonderful horse. You know this is a GOOD horse. So you go and adopt it.

You try taking your horse to the beach, but the horse is so terrified, because he had learned that humans are not to be trusted, and he refuses to move. In fact, he pushes to go back in his stable, and is upset that you won't help him do that - you're pulling his lead so tight!

So he is stuck. He can't go back to his stable, he refuses to go to the beach, and you are not that amazing either in his eyes as you won't help.

But you try again, and again, and you keep on showing up, and one day after you gain his trust, you two manage to make it to the beach, and it is so so so good. Now he knows, what you wanted him to do was a good thing!

So over time you guys are a great team, and you go on more and more adventures. And he knows to trust you, and as he cooperates with your dream, you definitely open up all the gates for him.

Now, in this metaphor, the rider represents your soul's consciousness. The beautiful horse represents your body's consciousness.

The more you trust... the more your higher consciousness will "open up the gates" for you, as you follow your path.

Once you start slowly following your path, you get to know yourself intimately, and you get excited about your journey ahead... then the Universe provides, and then life can become real fun.

And that's how manifesting can be better explained... much easier, right?

Will you still experience hardship, and trauma?

Most likely, if you still have lessons to learn, or a set of situations you want to do better than last time... but going through them with the awareness that they happen for you and not to you can be incredibly liberating and helpful as you learn to listen more and more to your higher self.

So how do you get your body's consciousness to truly cooperate and integrate with your higher self?

The best thing you can do, aside from improving how much you listen... is to work on the traumas, the memories, the wrong beliefs, the strong pull to listen to others' opinions, others' expectations, societal norms and ways in which you've been doing things up until now that are definitely not helping you live your highest purpose. Next, I'll show you the best way to go about this in an effective, easy and fast way. But it requires a good communication with your higher self... so I'll leave you here to practice, until we meet again.

With love,


Writer: Julia LeraJulia Lera

Updated: Apr 27, 2024

People often come to a QHHT session, or other types of energy healing looking for physical healing. They have tried doctors, all sorts of therapies (traditional or alternative), they've tried supplements, flower essences, exercises, etc. But nothing is working, or the same issue appears to go away, only to come back again a few weeks or months later.

We often also hear about spontaneous healings happening during a QHHT session or other types of healing. And we also know of master teachers that could heal, and what about all the new technologies promising great health?

The first concept we need to overview together is that you are operating your soul within a body. Your body has a consciousness... and your soul has a consciousness... (not to mention other consciousnesses that may be operating through you - we'll leave piece of the puzzle that for another day).

And the biggest misconception of humanity is that we are these bodies. That we are a body. And we tend to personify the body, believe that's what we are, adorn it, make our appearance appealing to others, or else we won't be liked and appreciated.

Now read that paragraph once again. And process it.

The truth is that we have these perfect machines, these bodies, that were designed with such care and knowledge. And this body is capable of restoring itself. And your higher self uses the body to communicate with you.

This body also tends to store your emotions... and when life happens, and you just keep on moving, your body can hold on to so much pain, and discomfort. And it starts speaking to you. And if you don't listen, or you try to patch it.... it will start screaming at you, until you stop, try to listen, work with the body and then you can heal.

Your higher self, through your body reminds you why you are here and what you enjoy doing. It sends you signals when you are happy and when you are sad.

And when you spend too much time doing the opposite to what makes you happy... your body starts getting very uncomfortable... and through that, the higher self tries to bring you back to center, so you can remember.

Here are some ways you can work with your body:

  • Calm your mind, calm your body, and feel if there's any discomfort. Are there any areas of your body trying to speak? If you have a known issue, focus there first.

  • Generally speaking, if the issue is on the right side of the body, it is something recent. If the discomfort/illness/issue is on the left side of the body, it is something you've had for a while (it could be your ancestors or a past life as well).

  • As you quiet your mind, ask the part of your mind that knows everything to speak to you. This will show up to you as the very first thing that comes to mind. Don't pause for a second, it is the very first thing. Ask more. Listen. And more. When did this start? What can I do to change it?

  • Once you have your message with as much clarity as you possibly can (and this is something that you'll get really good at if you practice), speak to your body. Command it to cooperate, as you promise to take on the message and act on it. If you need help decoding the message, there are 2 great books that can help: You can heal your body, by Louise Hay and Soul Speaks, by Julia Cannon.

  • Bring in the light of Source to the area and allow it to soak up the love of the One Infinite Creator.

  • Everything is possible. Absolutely everything.

The second concept we need to discuss is timelines... and timeline loops.

If an issue keeps on coming over and over. And you heal it, you feel great, you've got it! and then weeks later the issue is back... that means you are stuck in a timeline loop - another big topic we'll go over in detail at a later time-.

What is a timeline?

A timeline is a possibility. A path. How your life unfolds, based on your decisions and choices. Let's say you are 18 and you are choosing between studying History or Engineering. Each path would lay a timeline for you. And as you make choices pretty much each second... yes you guessed it, there are infinite timelines happening all at once, in parallel.

So what is a timeline loop?

A good analogy is the “Choose your Own Adventure” book series.

The same characters, the same physical reality. The same geographical area.

But the main character can choose many different endings and possibilities.

Imagine one where the main character gets stuck going back to where they started, and the same door/situation keeps on coming back. And no matter how fast she runs, she goes back to the same door. Visually this might help you understand a timeline loop. Same events, relationships, situations keep on coming back. The feeling people get is of being stuck. Of not being able to fulfil their highest potential.

They may learn about something, but they don’t do it, then they complain that nothing is changing for them, then another person may recommend another book, but it is the same stuff, and they don’t do it, then they complain. That is a loop. That is how it feels to be in a loop.

The feeling of quick sands. Complete stagnant in life. Not going anywhere. And not having a clue of how to get out. Some people say "I’ll extend you a rope", but that makes you sink deeper, then you are back at the same spot. Some people say "lay on your back", but you are too scared so you don’t even try it. Some people come and get you, they get stuck. Some people yell at you from the edge, but you can’t hear them or the message is useless. Stuck in time. The same crap happening over and over again. Didn’t we just go through this? "Oh there was a school shooting. Thoughts and prayers". Big press. Nothing happens. We all forget about it, nobody is running a fundraiser anymore. Then another school shooting... "didn’t we all talk about it months ago? How come nothing changed? What is happening?" Absolutely nothing. We are all back at the same crap.

Watch the presidential debate and re-watch one from 4 years ago, 8 years ago, 12 years ago. There’s your timeline loop at a national scale. Very easy to see. 

But how is this happening, is there someone behind this?

Yes. We'll get into that in a separate post, as there's so much to it.

So why do people get stuck in a loop?

At a higher level view... if you keep on doing the same thing over and over again and you expect a different outcome... well, we do have a bigger problem here.

So back at physical healing.

If the same issue is coming back and you suspect a timeline loop, there's something anchoring to that loop.

It could be a belief. It could be something external anchoring you to the loop, it could be that you are trying the same "remedy", expecting a different outcome.

So how can you heal your body?

  1. Acknowledge the body is simply a messenger, talking to you.

  2. Talk to it.

  3. Make it work for you.

  4. Get your message, and act on it. The body won't let you go so easily with just a "promise" to live your highest purpose.

  5. Figure out who you are. Seriously. Do you want to heal? live your highest purpose, your highest joy. Literally nothing can get you. Time flies when you are having fun.... (get it! out of the loop!).

  6. If there's something from your past anchoring your to a timeline loop where you keep on re-living illness, take yourself on a soul journey to the exact moment when it all started. It is easier than you think, but it is profound and truly good for you. Are you worrying too much? (anchor=money), are there big emotions you bottled up in your body (jealousy, shame, gilt, etc.), are you holding on to anger, memories of trauma, a relationship you won't let go, etc. There truly could be many answers, many possibilities, but if you practice listening, the answers to come up.

If the process seems too simplistic of completely out of reach, or plain crazy, consider all the other things you have tried so far... only to yield no results.

So on the basis on not much to lose, why not give yourself a chance?

How about affirmations?

Affirmations "affirm" a reality. If you are already living your highest truth, your highest potential and your joy... then you can affirm it with a beautiful affirmation.

For many stuck on a loop of problems, worries and illness, an affirmation may not resonate as truth... then they won't work. You truly need to believe them to work. Sure, for some people who are able to train their minds, affirmations can work. But getting to know yourself through a deep soul exploration may be just what you need to get unstuck.

Is this all?

This is one piece of quite a big puzzle. I'm putting all the pieces together, day by day, and I'll be linking all the other pieces so you can take yourself down this wonderful rabbit hole to your self-healing.


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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner Level II (QHHT®) based in San Francisco, CA

Akashic Records Readings.

©2023 by Soul Journeys with Julia

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