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The Living Oracle -  The Space Where Hidden Knowledge comes to Light

In this space, I share information uncovered from the Akashic Records and from profound QHHT & BQH sessions - Quantum Healing Hypnosis. My main goal is to help us heal, find ourselves and live purposely. Read this information carefully, and practice the guidance you receive. Then you will find your truest you. This is how we change the world, one soul at a time. There is no rush, and you are right on time. 

If you'd like to work with me on a 1:1 basis to get to the core of you, please visit my offerings page

The One Consciousness responds + a powerful activation as you read:

This is determined by each individual’s frontal cortex. Some brains are wired towards these abilities, and some aren’t. 

Some are more analytical, some are more spiritually minded.

If an individual feels an inclination, a heightened intuition, at times hunches, then this can be developed, improved over time.

But individuals with an analytical buildup most likely won’t be able to develop psychic abilities.

If you feel a deep sense of intuition and connection with your inner wisdom, here are a few ideas to help you develop these skills further:

  1. Daily meditation - make sure you don’t “quiet your mind” or “calm the mind” as your inner dialogue is how the information will flood through.

  2. Walks in nature. Observe signs, synchronicities. Touch the trees. Listen to the wind and the birds.

  3. Connect with the elementals. Bring out your camera if it helps. 

  4. Connect with your higher self and guides daily.

  5. Clear your chakras daily. 

  6. Automatic writing.

  7. Trust the first thing that comes to mind. Be fearless about your faith in yourself. This is something you were born to do. Feel it in your heart. 

  8. Don’t focus too much on following a specific protocol or set of steps: your intuition is free-form, unstructured, creative. 

You can also be activated at any time by a lightworker, energy healer, light seed.

This post itself is an activation - encoded with heart opening frequencies.

Enjoy! ❤️

Can you develop psychic abilities?

Many people talk about the ascension process the planet is undergoing, how unbalanced Earth has become and how many people are currently shifting into a higher vibratory state. What needs to happen for this transformation to take place? Is this simply the nature of this reality, and once experienced you simply move on to another one? Are we meant to transmute this place from an unbalanced state to one resembling "Heaven on Earth"?

In a recent QHHT session, the Higher Self explained:

Me: The direction the world is going on now, is it being corrected? Are we going in a good direction? 

Higher Self: It's trying to lift itself out. There is much darkness, currently. It's a matter of getting the vibration high. It will drown out the darkness.  It will drown out the negativity. What  needs to happen is more people  need to understand that we are all drops of water in one ocean,  that we are all of the same essence and that this incarnation is for your soul to grow.

What has happened is people have become so attached to this state of being, the solid state of being, and being on earth, being a human, and not understanding their true nature. And that's what's holding a lot of people back,  is not understanding their true nature

If the world could just understand  that there is no reason for the negativity and the division and the wars.  They don't serve a purpose other than to stay on this planet.  And by letting go of all of those things, it releases your soul into the next state of being, into the next evolution, the next incarnation or whatever that might be.

And it can be difficult for every soul, but it's become such a thing on earth that people want to live longer and longer and longer, and once your soul has learned  its lessons from that incarnation, , prolonging it, it's really just your ego

Me: So, is the Earth meant to transform? Or is the soul here to experience however this duality is and then move on to the next?  Is there a future where this Earth is transformed? 

Higher Self: While time is not linear, this is somewhat of a linear progression in terms of evolution  and enlightenment and, so while souls currently come to earth to experience, different life lessons and different experiences... That's what it's been, but it's going to be so much more.  And then somewhere else in the universe, there'll be another planet at the stage of Earth. You know, in the past, and it will go through these.

You know, the planets are living organisms: they grow and change and they evolve.  Just like we do.. Everything does.

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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner Level II (QHHT®) based in San Francisco, CA

Akashic Records Readings.

©2023 by Soul Journeys with Julia

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