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The new rules of manifesting

Writer: Julia LeraJulia Lera

Have you been trying to manifest change into your life and finding that it isn't working, as much as you try following all the usual techniques? Here's why.

For a while now we've all been hearing that our frequency is changing, we are all slowly waking up to our true nature, connecting in with the divine, developing our extra sensory gifts and the overall consensus is that this shift is happening at a planetary level, with Mother Earth leading the way, raising her frequency as we all follow, each on their own timing.

What surprised me is that in the past few weeks, whenever the topic came up in either hypnosis or exploring the Akashic Records, the answer came in very clear: Earth is already operating in 5D. The shift already happened.

There are multiple ramifications of what that shift means to us, and there's certainly more to explore here, but today we'll focus on how that impacts our ability to manifest.

The following is an excerpt from an Akashic Records reading that explains what has changed and how you can adapt:

"The creative forces, the manifesting abilities have changed, as Mother Earth’s frequency changes. So the teachings need to be updated. Solo manifestation for self gain is no longer available.

That belongs in the Old Earth. In the New Earth, which has recently anchored in, manifestation is a collective thing. It is for the highest good of all involved. The entire humanity as a whole, even benefiting those with different ideas, perspectives, points of view and upbringings.

When you are able to merge with the Divine and operate from the oneness collective point of view, your journey drastically changes.

Your manifestation needs to uplift an entire community for it to come to fruition.

The love you crave needs to be shared amongst many souls. If not the entire planet.

This is the new way. In the New Earth.

And the New Earth is here. It isn’t a future aspiration. It is here.

Many institutions, Ideas, and systems no longer work in the new framework. In the new frequencies.

Notice how the old money, banks, even political institutions, schools. Nothing seems to stick. Nothing seems to work.  

Changes are being introduced, yet nothing sticks.

Because humanity needs to come together as one. Not losing each individual’s perspective, rather using each perspective for the greater good of all.

Your job/career then needs to evolve into a community practice.

Your dreams need to shift into a collective dream.

Your abundance needs to be collective abundance.

The gain for one is no longer viable.
It simply doesn’t work anymore.

To flow with the New World is to flow within Oneness. Seeing the beauty in all.

Knowing that your gain without improving other’s lives won’t anchor in.

The spirit world is also merging in a way that is unprecedented.

The ancestors are co-existing with those in the physical.

The dialogue has been opened. The doors are very thin. If one has ears and a heart to connect, they are always with you. They always were, but the communications are now flowing at a much different rate.

As frequencies are starting to match. Those of the New Earth, the humans and those in the spirit world or in the non-physical. The nonphysical are all imagination. Yet the physical ones can tap into their imagination and coexist in both dimensions at once. In and out, or always open. Like a revolving door.

The time is now. The time is here. No more waiting.

Feeling alone inherently leads to feeling lost. The answer is in the community. Not only finding the community but nurturing it. Working all together for the greater good of all. Whatever that community is, it doesn’t matter. What you are longing for is community, it doesn’t matter what part of Earth that is.

That community may as well be in a dumpster. It doesn’t matter. As long as the feeling is there. Nothing will ever evade you. Abundance lies within every area of Earth.

Tune in to Mother Earth - she is the one carrying the new frequencies. Hikes. Trees. Sun. water. Allow her to show you. Her gentle loving messages will start to flow as you open your heart to her. She is your mother and she is here for you. She cares deeply about each of her children. All of them. Even those who reject her the most. She still loves them".

How to manifest



My name is Julia Lera

I'm a QHHT Practitioner Level II, BQH Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader. This is the space where I share all the hidden knowledge that help us get unstuck. Join me on a journey to the depths of your soul. 

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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner Level II (QHHT®) based in San Francisco, CA

Akashic Records Readings.

©2023 by Soul Journeys with Julia

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